Tim Royall Signed Prints & Originals

About Tim Royall

Tim Royall is a sculptor, artist and designer. Now working independently in his Shropshire studio in the UK, he works to commission and for exhibitions. His works have found homes throughout the UK, New Zealand, America and Australia and have been widely exhibited. 

Tim has developed a refined and exceptional sense of craftsmanship and sensitivity to his materials, garnered through a dedicated approach and through broad experience across various disciplines. 

Specialising in marble, his stylised designs are based on forms of nature and the landscape. These sculptures result from a process of abstraction involving observational drawings, emotional response, sensitivity to material and a strong feeling for form, balance and harmony. In this respect Tim's sculptures are conceptual organic forms rendered with a sense of permanence and memorialisation.

The difference in Tim's approach may be found in his background: he trained as a furniture designer and has also worked on the design of superyachts. He was inspired to take up stone carving in New Zealand in 2003 and is largely self-taught. This unconventional apprenticeship has enabled him to develop an artistic style that is honest in its inspiration whilst remaining true to his craft heritage.