Walter John Beauvais (1942~1998) Signed Prints & Originals

About Walter John Beauvais (1942~1998)

Beauvais Walter John 1942-1998

Walter John Beauvais (1942-1998)

Wally Beauvais was born in 1942 near Windsor, Berkshire, England.  He was a grandson of French artist and lithographer Charles Henri Beauvais (1862-1909) and son of Arnold Beauvais(1886-1984), artist and one time President of the London Sketch Club.

He studied painting under his father and after finishing his education, spent several years traveling in Europe.  In 1973 after settling with his wife and two children in the south of England, he finally turned to serious painting which became his livelihood.  He exhibited in the USA, Australia and Europe and his paintings are in many major private collections.

He died in January 1998 of leukemia.